The many personalities of service

Close your eyes and imagine someone who is absolutely amazing at delivering great service.

What do you see? What would that person act, sound and look like? What is it about them that means they are amazing?

If you’re asking us (and we are pretty good at knowing what makes service
amazing 😉) we reckon that person would quite literally have all the best bits of the 4 primary Service Animals™. Let’s explore:

Firstly, they’d have the pace of a Panther…

Panthers don’t just move fast – they think fast (sometimes it’s hard for the rest of us to keep up!). Being task focused; they tend to cope well with lots of things going on at once and are pretty good at multi-tasking. Need clarity on what your service priorities are? They’re all over it. Got a service crisis? Boom – they’ll come up with a plan that works pronto! Got some key service targets? They’ll work out a way to smash them.

With the energy of a Peacock
Peacocks create a buzz wherever they are. They tend to be upbeat, creative and fun to be with. A Peacock brings a bit of va-va-voom to your service offer – helping you define those ‘magic moments’ that makes it sing. They
are proactive and engaging – approachable to customers, sociable with colleagues. Some might say they’re full of hot air (the cheek!) but we like to think they are cooking on gas!

Plus the empathy of a Dolphin
Caring, friendly and supportive – that’s Dolphins to a T. If you’re happy; chances are they’ll be happy too. They care about doing a great job and are known to be pretty accommodating. They really put a sense of humanity to your service proposition. They will be sure to ask your
customers are how they are and even mean it! They will listen to their concerns and with a heartfelt apology or show of concern; they’ll want to help. Honestly, they love to love – so go with it!

And lastly, the attention of an Owl
Curious and inquisitive – an Owl’s eyes will be scanning everything to work out what’s going on. They have real attention to detail and their keen eye will spot if something is amiss. They are good listeners too – wanting
to understand the problem, unpicking what’s happened and where it went wrong. An Owl will track your service performance, identify glitches and help you strive for perfection.

So how can knowing this possibly help you improve your service? If you are an individual, knowing your natural service orientation will help to identify your strengths as well as potentially know where to focus your development on – and even rope others in.

Recognising your customer’s inherent style will also help; you can adapt your style, dialling traits up or down to build rapport fast. If you are a manager, you can work out how
best to deploy your team to play to their best Service Animals strengths.

If you’d like to find out more about you and your team’s innate service personality, get in touch!

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Service Animals™ is brought to you by SignalCX, a consultancy focusing on customer experience. For nearly 4 decades, we have worked with some of the world’s best brands to design and enable great customer experiences. The SignalCX customer experience journey will help you develop a culture that has the customer at its heart, with employees who are energised and excited and a growing body of customers who love the way that your organisation makes them feel. Apart from this lovely warm glow, you will achieve tangible, measurable and bottom-line driven results.

Service Animals has been developed and refined for the past 30 years, and has been used by almost a million people around the world. Its roots lie in the psychological theories of Carl Jung, but this model has been honed through years of work with psychologists, clients and our own team members. Service Animals is the only tool that focuses on how we all use our individual communication styles to form the service experience we deliver to customers and colleagues.

To find out more, just get in touch!