Animal Magic.
Build better teams.
Deliver better service.
Achieve better results.
Through better understanding.
Unleash your ‘inner animal’.
Service Animals™ is an online profiling and training tool that helps people understand their natural service style, how to recognise others’ profiles and develop techniques to adapt to them.
This builds stronger relationships and improves team dynamics through an unforgettable, interactive learning experience.
Which helps you deliver better business results.
Here at SignalCX, we’ve been developing and refining our Service Animals platform for over thirty years. Service Animals delivers faster, more memorable and actionable personal insights for you and your teams.
A simple questionnaire leads to an innovative, individually-tailored, digital learning programme. It helps people understand how they communicate, and how to adapt their natural style to build rapport with others.
This builds stronger bonds, cultivates a common language and culture and – most importantly of all – helps deliver the best possible service to customers and colleagues.
And the SignalCX team is always there to provide in-depth, professional support if you need it.
Some of our clients

Once learnt, never forgotten
Service Animals brings into play the natural engagement we feel with the animal kingdom. Which helps people understand their own personalities and how they engage with customers and colleagues. The animal magic makes the learning memorable and ‘sticky’, and it’s universal too. So Service Animals is just as engaging wherever you are in the world.

Get your teams animated
Service Animals creates an animated online world for your people to explore. As they do, they’ll engage with a consistent, easily-understandable training experience that will stay with them throughout their working lives.
Personal development in pyjamas
The Service Animals journey can be an entirely digital one. So it’s quick and easy for your teams to take part in – and cost effective to get results. And, of course, being online means that you and your teams can enjoy the experience in the comfort of your favourite pyjamas.

Ringmasters and zoo-keepers also available
If you wanted some help, the SignalCX team is ready to support whenever and however you need. From bespoke Team Reports, a train the trainer service, or running in-company workshops, just hoot, click, growl or wave your magnificent feathers and we’re there.